How can I tell if an item is in stock?
Inventory is updated daily on our site but from time to time there are exceptions. If you have questions about availability please contact us at or +86-177-604-70172.

What happens if an item is on backorder?
If an item has been delayed beyond the shipping time listed on the website, we will attempt to contact you via email when we become aware of the delay. You have the option of canceling the order at that time, or waiting until the backorder is filled to receive your product.

What is your policy on typographical, inventory & pricing errors?
In effort to provide our valued customers with the most up to date and accurate information, Mocurie is continuously implementing real-time updates to our online store. Due to the immediate nature of these updates the correction of any errors and/or omissions can happen at any time without prior notice. This information may include but is not limited to pricing, availability, photos, specifications, and warranties.
Mocurie is not responsible for charges, labor, loss, or damage incurred as a result of incorrect product information. While we work to avoid any errors or omissions that may appear on the Mocurie website, we do reserve the right to cancel any undelivered orders based on inaccurate information. We will contact the customer upon discovery of the error / omission. If there is an order that contains additional products, we will contact customer with options of canceling the one item or entire order. If you would like to confirm the product information, availability, and pricing is correct please call us at +86-177-604-70172.

What forms of payment do you accept?
Our checkout page accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and Paypal as forms of payment. We do NOT accept prepaid cards or credit cards that are issued outside of the United States.

How secure is your checkout? Is my credit card information safe?
Mocurie makes customer security a high priority. We do not store or keep any credit card information in our databases and all payment information is sent directly to our 100% secure processor.


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